Tuesday, October 30, 2012

More Uploads and NaNoWriMo

Hey my Lovelies!!!

I know, I know! I broke my promise...I took almost four months to post this time...*sigh*...what are you going to do with me...

Well...I should be posting more in the upcoming days!!! Maybe once or twice a week...wanna know why? Of course you do! Because you are a empty void who's whole purpose is to make me feel like I am being read when in actuality I only get a page read a day...so I send this to the empty internet hoping that someone will come across my blog and red it to find my self being tortured of my own freewill and at my hand.

I am going to tell you my news Julie Powell style because I just watched the movie Julie and Julia and I love the way she did it...so here goes.

"The Challenge: NaNoWriMo
Write 50,000 words in no more than thirty days, starting November 1st, while trying to keep your wits about you as you deal with homework, jobs, chores, Thanksgiving, cleaning up Halloween, losing weight from the Great Halloween Candy Pig Out, and making sure to post those pictures you promised for your NaNoWriMo facebook group.

The Goal: 1,667
Write 1,667 words everyday to reach your goal and you could actually reach 50,000 words in thirty days...well...if you stick to that regiment then you will do 50,010 words, but that's a technicality.

The Contender: Leighanne Clitheroe
A young woman in the middle of her Senior year in High school, age 17, brown hair, blue eyes, five foot six and a half, which just so happens to be an inch taller then her mother. She writes for fun, stress relief, and a lot of times, escape. The first year she tried this horrendously challenging feat of literary talent she only reached 5,000 words. She took a break for two years before coming back determined to beat this challenge given to her by will power alone. Sadly her will power failed her and she only wrote 10,000 words. She came back the next year determined to finish in NaNoWriMo 2011.
This was by far her best year Leighanne says of her success. "I managed to write 25,123 words which is more than the previous two years combined! I may not have officially won according to the website's rules, but I feel like I won and all of my NaNoWriMo friends agree." She also says that she believes she can reach the 50,000 word goal this year as long as she focuses on the task at hand; cleaning up the house. "Yes, yes I know, why does the house affect my writing? Well when you've been neglecting the house since the start of the year and your mother tells you get it clean or no NaNoWriMo this year...you want to get it clean!"

Will Leighanne reach her goal? Will she clean the house? Will she stop talking like a news reporter talking in third person? Will she finally learn to stop biting her nails?

Find out as we follow her through her Adventures Through Nano-ing! (coming soon to a computer or laptop near you!)"

Okay so now you know my good news!! Question though...did any of you read that in a news announcer or theatrical trailer voice??? While I was writing it I started to feel like Amanda from the Holiday when the voice starts portraying her life like a movie....Well I guess that's what happens when you become a writer.....you star hearing voices and going just a smidgen crazy!!! But then again what writer isn't crazy in one form or another!!!!

Toodle-lee-doo!!! I have work to do!!!

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